Saturday, January 17, 2009

Data Collection and Analysis

What a week!  We've been hard at work on our Geography and Human Interaction Research Project. This week, the Amazins collected and analyzed climate and population data using MS Excel.  We learned all about data tables, formatting, and pivot charts to visually demonstrate quantitative data for the purpose of persuasion.  Above, you'll find some examples of how well they took to demonstrating their quantitative research.

Now we're on to defending our thesis statements with topic sentences.  We have established our respective points of view, and we're confident that we will be able to persuade Congressman Serrano, the Democratic Representative from our voting district, to act on our suggestions for legislation related to climate and environment. 

 This week we will learn all about MS Word and letter writing.  Only six more class days to finish our portfolios!

1 comment:

  1. that my two kilsy and aminata and my friend wesley djan and angel and me the gangster
