Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March Together...

Our blog has taken a little break, but our class certainly hasn't! Djan is showing off our class's bulletin board that proudly displays the result of all our hard work from last term. While haven't yet received word from Congressman Serrano about out letters, we've moved ahead to solve our next big inquiries.

In fact, we've had a long, hard March together. We have recently completed the first few steps in our current portfolio project on human and earth evolution, climate and adaptation. Our guiding questions are

  • Who are humans and how did we get here?
  • How have humans adapted to their environment?
  • How has environment shaped the way that humans interact with one another?
  • How has the Earth evolved over time?
  • How have humans, and other organisms adapted to these changes?
Our next posts will outline our work towards completing our portfolio project for earth and human evolution and adaptation.

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