Monday, May 18, 2009

How the Earth Was Made - Wesley's Reflection

Climate Change

In the Earth’s history, the climate has changed continually. Once the Earth was a ball of fire, then it became a ball of snow. Now it’s a world of water and continents. The climate is was really hot because of the volcanic activity.  The volcanoes released carbon dioxide in to the atmosphere. This greenhouse gas caused the global warming. The result was a dramatic climate change.  Dinosaurs adapted to the warm climate because they had Luke-warm blood, they used their energy to grow. The dinosaurs were killed by a collision of a large meteor that struck the Earth – but what really killed them was the climate change.  The climate continued to change, even when humans first began to populate Earth. Earth’s climate was cold because of the ice ages. Humans had to adapt to this challenge. Now, human production of greenhouse gases has caused climate change to occur again because of global warming. In the future humans must adapt to our changing  climate.

What I learned:

I learned about Rhodinea and plate tectonic activity.

I learned about the new super continent Pangea ultima.

I learned about the hunter-gathers.

 I learned about dinosaurs.

I learned how old the earth is.

I learned how to do proportion.

I learned about how the earth was made.

I learned about the earth history.

Project Steps:

The steps to we follow to do the timeline is do the proportion and scale, measure the earth’s age do the reflection

I liked…

My favorite we learned about the earth and were working in group to finish on time.

I disliked..

I dislike because didn’t finish on time and the people do not stay for tutoring time to finish your work.




Sunday, May 17, 2009

How the Earth Was Made - Moustapha's Project Reflection

Gap between Ice Ages

Earth was made by millions of collisions of meteors. In the beginning the Earth looked like a fireball. I learned that the Earth was a molten ocean. It was made of hot lava from heavy volcanic activity. The same meteors that hit Earth for millions of years changed Earth from a fireball to water world because the meteors have 5%water.  After, the Earth began to solidify. 4.5 billions of years ago the planet Earth felt like the surface of the sun – this is called “Deep Time.”  Earth was a molten ocean; it was made of hot lava.  In Deep Time Earth was hit by millions of meteors from space. Each meteor contributed to the condensation of water that would trigger the greatest downpour the Earth would ever see. It rained for millions of years. Eventually the iron left the ocean green to blue; oxygen move down to the atmosphere downloaded the fixes. Because of plate tectonics, the continents on our planet have moved slowly and constantly for nearly 4.0 billion years.

The Earth’s history was bad and good because of its constant evolution. In the past the earth look like the surface of the sun, and in the future, it will die as a desolate, lifeless place. Before that the earth was going step by step, and dinosaur began to evolve; they became extinct because something terrible happened and the dinosaurs died. Earth has had several major challenges – organisms have always had to adapt to challenge in order to survive. The dinosaurs couldn’t, but humans could.

            Modern human arrived between gap and ice ages the modern human was 0.0001% percent began in Africa called (hominids) , scientists have found  record of ancient human migration in the DNA of living people .The human genetic code , or genome is 99.9% identical throughout the world.

Human civilization has occurred during a gap between ice ages. Earth has transformed to a world of fire to ice. Earth has had several ice ages due to plate tectonics. Several times, the continents have moved and blocked warm ocean currents that made the poles very cold. These climate changes made life very difficult and cold on Earth. Human civilization fraction, fraction of 1 % first hominid human lived in Africa. Scientist thought that every came from Africa and we have a different DNA. Two poles were so cold. The ice get challenge to the warmer world, everything changes to warm. Climate change cause by the global warming. Oxygen and carbon dioxides is also the major challenges.

What I learned from our project about earth evolution or/ earth history.

    The earth evolution is an incredible world that have life and surrounding by water / ocean and the sun shinning rotate the planet earth. South America and Africa was stick together and Africa and Europe formed two Childs. Rhodinea position was blocking and new super continent arrived in the planet earth. also newly arrived to the continent and the continent was stick together and separate apart because of the evolution or moving slowly of the earth. ocean began to came , and development of human began to arrived. more constantly and energy began ,planet earth was fabulous because of human energy dominated the planet earth. the planet earth is the only planet has life.

I like... 




working group



making a list



I disliked...           

speaking other language


no listening 

Friday, May 15, 2009

How the Earth Was Made - Aminata's Project Reflection


This is how the earth was made in 4.5 billion years ago earth was a big ball of fire and lava it was made of millions of meteors. Earth was a molten ocean it was made of hot lava then the earth began to solidify, earth was as hot as the surface of the sun. The earth’s oceans arrived from above extraterrestrial meteors the material from which the earth was formed. Water come from space and changed the planet dramatically. The result would be a water world. Granitoid protocotinents grew larger. They would form the hearts of major landmasses. The dominance of the oceans was over – the continents arrived and when we had more and more O2. The sky and oceans changed from green and red to blue. The continents moved together because of plate tectonics, making super continent Rhodinea. Rhodinea’s huge size blocked the warm ocean currents from the equator. The cold temperatures froze the Earth and created Snowball Earth – Earth was frozen solid, lifeless like a frozen desert. Volcanic eruption broke rhodinea apart. CO2 from the volcanoes created global warming which melted the frozen earth. Now life could finally exist. Many organisms lived and died for example the dinosaurs. In order to evolve organisms must adapt to climate and changes in their environment. So far, human have adapted to ice ages conditions, but we have live for only a fraction of fraction of 1% of Earth’s history.

What I learned from our project

Earth is 4.5 billion years old.
At 4.5 billion years ago, Earth was a big ball of fire and lava
Earth was as hot as the surface of the sun.
Earth was covered in thick blanketing clouds of water vapor that condensed in the atmosphere to trigger the greatest downpour the earth would ever see. It rained for million and million years.
The rain began to form the oceans small volcanic islands stuck out of the new oceans
The Earth was formed by millions of collisions of meteors.
Earth had huge green oceans because they were iron rich from volcanism and a red sky because there was no O2.
The earth oceans arrived from above, water came from space.
Water changed the planet dramatically
Continents were born from millions of years of volcanic activity.
Earth was once made entirely of granite and water.
The oceans changed from green to blue.
The sky changed from red to blue when oxygen from stromatolytes filled the air.
Earth was once a snow ball, all covered with ice.
Continent are always moving.
Super continent were formed by colliding tectonic plates. This is how we got mountains.
When earth was a snow ball it felt desolate life less place.
Now that we have iron rich and O2 life can finally exist.
Volcanic activity split the super continents apart
Africa and South America were stuck together.
Listening and taking notes
How to scale a time line
How to solve Proportion
To work in group
The planet earth will die in plus 2 billion years in the future.

What I dislike in our project

That earth was a big ball of fire and lava.
Earth was as hot as the surface of the sun.
Earth was hot over 200 deg F.
That the oceans were green and the sky was red.
The earth was a like a snow ball.
Earth was a desolate lifeless place.
Life started deep down in the oceans.
Human are a fraction of fraction of 1%of earth’s history.
The planet Earth will die.
Humans are ruining our environment by causing climate change from greenhouse gas emissions.

What I liked in our project

When it started raining
When the oceans were formed
It rained for million and million years.
The blue sky and blue oceans
The water world
Water changed the dramatically
When continent arrived
When Africa and South America was stock together
I enjoyed making our class timeline.
I also liked using proportions to create our project to scale.

How the Earth Was Made - Djan's Reflection

I learned that the Earth was made by millions of collisions of meteors and that in the beginning the Earth was a ball of fire. Lava covered the entire surface of the Earth, and when meteors arrived it changed the world’s climate. Some scientists think that meteors brought water to Earth because they are made of nearly 5% water. This condensing water created a downpour that lasted millions of years. The result is the oceans we see today.

The climate continued to change a lot. When the dinosaurs ruled the Earth it was hot, which helped the dinosaurs to grow because they put their energy to growing instead of maintaining their temperature. The climate was much warmer than today, and the dinosaurs had every thing they needed to survive. They became extinct because they couldn’t adapt to the challenge of living in a cooler world after the Earth was hit by a large meteor. The meteor hit the Earth the caused a mass extinction. The sky filled with CO2 and the dinosaur didn’t know where to go for food. There was no light and the dinosaur became extinct – but this is how mammals came to be. Later, mammals became the dominant species on the planet. Humans evolved from Africa about 2 million years ago from Hominids.

I learned from this project that the Earth has had many challenges. First, it was a ball of fire, then a water world, later, a snow ball, then the dinosaurs, and then human life. Scientists believe that human do not have not much time on our planet. They believe that humans have evolved quickly and that humans are destroying the world with pollution from CO2 GREEN HOUSE gases.

I believe if you want learn it is so easy, but you need to focus on your teacher. I am telling you, for this project I learned many things about how to do proportions, time lines, graphs, and most importantly, how to work in group and how talk to others while collaborating.