Friday, May 15, 2009

How the Earth Was Made - Djan's Reflection

I learned that the Earth was made by millions of collisions of meteors and that in the beginning the Earth was a ball of fire. Lava covered the entire surface of the Earth, and when meteors arrived it changed the world’s climate. Some scientists think that meteors brought water to Earth because they are made of nearly 5% water. This condensing water created a downpour that lasted millions of years. The result is the oceans we see today.

The climate continued to change a lot. When the dinosaurs ruled the Earth it was hot, which helped the dinosaurs to grow because they put their energy to growing instead of maintaining their temperature. The climate was much warmer than today, and the dinosaurs had every thing they needed to survive. They became extinct because they couldn’t adapt to the challenge of living in a cooler world after the Earth was hit by a large meteor. The meteor hit the Earth the caused a mass extinction. The sky filled with CO2 and the dinosaur didn’t know where to go for food. There was no light and the dinosaur became extinct – but this is how mammals came to be. Later, mammals became the dominant species on the planet. Humans evolved from Africa about 2 million years ago from Hominids.

I learned from this project that the Earth has had many challenges. First, it was a ball of fire, then a water world, later, a snow ball, then the dinosaurs, and then human life. Scientists believe that human do not have not much time on our planet. They believe that humans have evolved quickly and that humans are destroying the world with pollution from CO2 GREEN HOUSE gases.

I believe if you want learn it is so easy, but you need to focus on your teacher. I am telling you, for this project I learned many things about how to do proportions, time lines, graphs, and most importantly, how to work in group and how talk to others while collaborating.

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