Monday, May 18, 2009

How the Earth Was Made - Wesley's Reflection

Climate Change

In the Earth’s history, the climate has changed continually. Once the Earth was a ball of fire, then it became a ball of snow. Now it’s a world of water and continents. The climate is was really hot because of the volcanic activity.  The volcanoes released carbon dioxide in to the atmosphere. This greenhouse gas caused the global warming. The result was a dramatic climate change.  Dinosaurs adapted to the warm climate because they had Luke-warm blood, they used their energy to grow. The dinosaurs were killed by a collision of a large meteor that struck the Earth – but what really killed them was the climate change.  The climate continued to change, even when humans first began to populate Earth. Earth’s climate was cold because of the ice ages. Humans had to adapt to this challenge. Now, human production of greenhouse gases has caused climate change to occur again because of global warming. In the future humans must adapt to our changing  climate.

What I learned:

I learned about Rhodinea and plate tectonic activity.

I learned about the new super continent Pangea ultima.

I learned about the hunter-gathers.

 I learned about dinosaurs.

I learned how old the earth is.

I learned how to do proportion.

I learned about how the earth was made.

I learned about the earth history.

Project Steps:

The steps to we follow to do the timeline is do the proportion and scale, measure the earth’s age do the reflection

I liked…

My favorite we learned about the earth and were working in group to finish on time.

I disliked..

I dislike because didn’t finish on time and the people do not stay for tutoring time to finish your work.




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