Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Aminata's Project Reflection

I first collected evidence by article annotation, extended anticipatory guide, adaptation organizer the article I read was the New York Times Up Front magazine “On Thin Ice” by Felicity Barringer and Andrew C. Revkin. This helped me write my essay and finding allot of evidence about climate change and polar environment. Second I watch video from an ipod I learned how to listen and take note according to the video I watched and took note, polar bears were starving in Barrow, Alaska in summer they had to eat the grass because was no ice at that time. Every summer Georg divoky visits Barrow, Alaska to help polar bears and guillemots. The video also mentioned about pack ice that  in 1975 it was 7 miles away from Barrow and now it is 250 miles away.  From this video task I learned things that I didn’t know before and that helped me write my essay. Third I researched I went to Google then wrote web quest polar bears. According to the web quest polar bears. The information that helped me write my essay were polar bears were built for the wind; cold, and ice, polar bears need ice to survive. I learned Allot about polar bears. and know that they need help from melting ice.fourt I created tables and charts using m s excel to show that just by looking at the charts you’ll know what my essay is about you know about sea ice and polar beats. Fifth I came up with a research question to create my argument using the table organizer and my topic sentences to support my thesis statement. This helped me understand my supporting details. Sixth I created an out line using test and chart evidence to support my thesis statement this helped me organize my essay. Seventh I did my first graft about climate change and arctic pack ice. Some information about my first graft is melting ice is result of global warming. Polar bears have lost their sea ice habitat from melting ice this helped me learned allot about climate change. Then me and me and my class mate work on our final draft we putted all our works from the project together. This helped me because each one of as did a deferent part of the project, then put it together. Thanks to my class mate yes we did it.


                                             What I learned


      Climate change in the arctic has caused melting ice, which has led to a decline in polar bear populations because of habitat loss. Arctic pack ice is melting as a result of global warming, global warming is caused least partly by the atmospheric built up of green house gasses from tailpipes and smokestacks. I also learned about carbon dioxide emissions, listening and taking notes, annotation, collecting evidence, how to take note in a web, how to use M S Excel, how to work in groups, what a thesis statement is and how to use it, do a organize table and organize essay with thesis statement and topic sentences.


    I liked collecting evidence, annotating, the web quest, video task, thesis statement, because I had fun doing it and learned whole lot from it.  I didn’t like the group work, creating the outline, doing the first draft, second draft, paper plan, peer revision and the reflection because I didn’t know how to do it and I don’t want to know about it.

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