Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wesley's Project Reflection

The first thing that I did was find evidence from the New York Times Upfront Magazine article “On thin Ice”, by Andrew Revkin. I used an Extended Anticipatory Guide, annotation and the Adaptation Organizer to collect evidence from my article. I used evidence from the article to write my essay.  Next, I watched the video pod cast called “Polar Palooza”. I learned that the ice is melting in artic, I also learned that guillemots they don’t have food because it follows the pack ice. I looked for polar bear information in the internet, and then I learned about polar bear habitat. I used my Web Quest organizer to learn about polar bears and environment. The information I learned helped me write supporting details.  I learned how to make graphs with quantitative data. First, I made data tables and then I made graphs to measure sea ice and polar bear populations. The graph helps provide information for our supporting details. We used the details to persuade congressman Serrano. On our fifth step, we created a research question, then we responded to question to make a thesis statement.  We established our argument using the table organizer then we created topic sentences. The outline helped me organize my topic sentences and supporting details. The outline is my plan for my essay.  I used text and chart evidence to support my thesis statements. This must be complete draft of the paper. I did my first draft about climate change, melting arctic pack ice as a result or global warming. This is what I used in my body paragraph. I used the information from “Polar Palooza” and polar bear data. We were working in groups, each one of my classmates wrote a body paragraph. Then we put it together and put the graph. When we put the work together our essay was easy to read.

I learned how to write an essay and take notes from a listening task, work in a group, listen for information from an iPod, climate, global warming, and arctic pack ice, Congressman José E Serrano, how to write a paragraph.

I liked to write to Congressman José E Serrano because I could find information about the polar bears.  I disliked the project because I had to look for information and make conclusions. 

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