Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Djan Project Reflection

The first thing that I did was find evidence from the article “On Thin Ice” by Andrew Revkin from the NY Times UpFront magazine. I annotated the article for important information, and then I used organizers like the Adaptation Organizers and Extend Anticipatory Guide that helped me to have more information for the polar bears to learn about arctic environment and habitat loss from melting ice because of pollution from carbon dioxide. This helped me find more information on the internet and to find results of the effects of pollution on the environment I learned in the video podcast “Polar Palooza” how the polar bear habitat is in danger from pollution of the carbon dioxide causing the global warming and melting ice. The video helped to get more information about polar bear habitat in the arctic. I also learned how to take notes from a listening task. In my third step I found information on the internet about polar bears’ lives in the arctic and find results of pollution on the environment.  It helped me write the introduction.  The fifth step evidence collection I collected data from my article and created tables and charts using MS Excel. I used data to create charts to show evidence for polar bear and sea ice data. Quantitative data helped me provide more information. I used the data for polar bears and sea ice the for my supporting details. I used an outline to plan my essay. I used the text and chart evidence to support my thesis statement and plan my essay. Then I wrote a complete draft. On the second draft I used the DDDT organizer to improve my essay be sure to include information from my web quest, video notes, and data.  For my final draft I revised my second draft and used the DDDT to provide more evidence.  We did this to persuade Congressman Serrano.  

I learned from this experience about how Polar bears live in arctic habitat and how they have lost the food because of environment is polluted with carbon dioxide.  The polar bear populations are in danger and declining. The result of the pollution from carbon dioxide the polar bear will die from habitat loss because they won’t be able to find food.

The part I liked was to find the results of the pollution on the environment. By stopping the production of carbon dioxide to save the polar bear population and to save the human life because the carbon is danger for the universe. I also liked to use the computer to make charts, graphs, research information and write my essay. Also, I liked to listen and watch the polar movies on the video iPod.

I didn’t like that polar bear populations are in decline and that the bears have lost habitat and food because of carbon dioxide production by human is dangerous for humans, animals, plants.

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