Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Moustapha Project Reflection

On my project I learned about arctic environment, habitat, the Inuit and the Narwhal.  I annotated the article “Arctic Ivory” by Paul Nickel from National Geographic for information. I used organizers like the Adaptation Organizer and Extended Anticipatory Guide to collect and analyze evidence. I listened to the video pod cast on an iPOD called “Polar Palooza” from National Geographic. I watched mammals and I took notes about the video. I learned about the narwhal with my group, and that the populations of narwhal are declining. Looking the narwhal information on the internet was tour class Web Quest. We found the evidence collection of narwhal, information about over hunting narwhal and to use the quantitative information. We created a graph about the narwhal to determine how many the Inuit kill the narwhal in each year. I typed my work in MS Word with the revisions of my drafts. I created graphs with quantitative information about narwhal hunts. Then I pasted the graphs into my final draft with my group. DDDT means declare, describe, discuss, and transition – this helped me organize my paragraphs and support my topic sentences. I learned about the narwhals are artic species, and that they live in the arctic. I showed Congressman Serrano all about narwhal hunting – hopefully he will endorse legislation to stop the hunting.


What did you learn from this experience?

a)-writing letter

b)-essay by support my thesis statement


d)-listening iPOD

 e) - taking note

f)-summarization, annotation, quatutative in formation


What parts did you like?

a)-Narwhal population data

b)-Create a graph in MICROSOFT EXEL

b)-write a letter


What parts did you dislike?

a) essay

b) sad story about narwhals

c) draft

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