Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Frankie's Project Reflection...

The first thing I did was find evidence from the article “Arctic Ivory” by Paul Nickel from National Geographic. I annotated the article for important information, and I used organizers like the Adaptation Organizer and Extended Anticipatory Guide to collect and analyze evidence. Next, I listened to a video podcast called “Polar Palooza” from National Geographic. I learned about the arctic guillemots are bird that need pack ice to survive because its food lives there. The ice is melting, and the arctic guillemot doesn’t have food because its food lives near park ice.  The guillemots are in danger because climate change has affected how it hunts food. On my third step, I didn’t do the Web Quest. Our fourth step, was to collect data about over-hunting the narwhal. It helped me demonstrate how he narwhal populations are declining in the arctic. I did tables and charts using MS Excel. We explained how many narwhals were killed per year and sunk & lost. Step four helped me to demonstrate about what is happening in the arctic and what we need to do to save them. Next, I learned how to create a thesis statement. I created a question from the essay task, then I responded to the question to create my thesis statement. Then I created a argument using my table organizer. Then I created my topic sentences to support my thesis statement. My sixth step was to start writing about my project with my web outline. This helped me to plan my essay to start writing. My outline helped me organize my essay so that my paragraphs are persuasive. My seventh step I started to write my draft. It was my first try and I used my supporting detail to help me be more convincing. In my final draft I inserted charts with my group. To form the final body paragraph, I typed the essay into the computer and I sent the essay to Mr. Blackburn. The purpose was to convince Congressman Serrano to endorse legislation to protect the arctic narwhal. 

What did you learn from this experience?

a)-writing letter

b)-essay by support my thesis statement


d)-listening to the ipod

e)-taking note

f)-summarization, annotation, quantitative information

The part that I liked was the narwhal population data. I liked to create graphs on Microsoft Excel to prove to Mr. Serrano that he should endorse legislation to save the narwhal and the arctic environment.  The part that I disliked was that the guillemots are dying because the global warming is affecting the food they get to eat. 

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